Well, to tell you the truth. I do have a preference for the gender of the baby. But don't want to tell lah, i very bantang(singglish for superstitious). Hehe.. But irregardless of the outcome, our hopes would be for the baby to be healthy and happy.Since we are talking about gender, i have compiled a lists of old wive's tales indicating the gender of your baby.. Treat it as a pinch of salt and some of you might get a laugh out of it. Enjoy!
1) Sleep on the left side of bed = Girl, and right side = Boy
2) If you have soft hands = Girl, and Dry hands = Boy
3) If you crave for salty foods like french fries = Boy
1) Sleep on the left side of bed = Girl, and right side = Boy
2) If you have soft hands = Girl, and Dry hands = Boy
3) If you crave for salty foods like french fries = Boy
4) If you crave for sweet foods like choclate = Girl
5) If you're clumsy and stumbling over pairs of shoes = Boy
6) If you feel graceful on foot = Girl
7) If your left breast is bigger = Girl, and right breast bigger = BoyThe lists are neverending...
As fascinating and fun as these tales are, they are just tales!! So don't dwell too much on it.
As long as the baby is healthy & happy, boy or girl does not matter cos they are still our little love ones...
I'm having a boy, but the list up there doesnt match w me, but opposite. Aha!